My baby turned 3 today! It was a fun day but also a sad one. He had a lot of fun with lots of family and friends (that's him in the VERY back!)
He absolutely LOVES Mickey Mouse Clubhouse so we did a Mickey Mouse theme complete with a Mickey Mouse cake (yes, I know his ears are a little big)!
We had hot dogs, chips, dips, cake, ice cream & a pinata. The pinata was a great time! It just would not break! We had 13 year old boys hitting it with a metal bat and it still would not break!! It was one tough "chick"!
Now my baby is one year older. And each new milestone and accomplishment brings sadness. I am so proud of every little thing he learns & does (like when he said "tada" after finishing his apple juice) but it also reminds me that that is the last time I will enjoy that "first". So, even on such a happy day like today, I am also very sad. I'm sure many other moms feel the same.
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