Monday, February 9, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

This blog is not going to be just about couponing. I want it to reflect many ways to be more frugal and green. One way we are able to be frugal in my house is by eating at home. We have a large family so it would be very expensive for us to eat out alot. A simple trip to Wendy's can end up costing $30 even while eating off of the dollar menu!
That's why I have recently started Menu Planning. I sit down every week, usually Sunday or early Monday, and plan out what we want to eat the rest of the week. I look at what I have on hand, what's on sale, what we have going on that week (baseball, basketball, etc.) and the weather.

So here is what I came up with this weeks dinner:
Monday: Pork Roast, Veggies, Homemade bread
Tuesday: Chalupas, Rice
Wednesday: Leftovers
Thursday: Chicken Noodle Soup (homemade)
Friday: I don't know yet ! :)
Saturday: Pizza & Chicken Wings
Sunday: My baby's 3rd birthday!! We are having a party so we will have hot dogs, chips & cake

I will also start posting recipes little by little. This is going to take me some time so be patient, please. So what are you having for dinner?