Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tipster Tuesday

Sorry this is so late. I have been sick the last couple of days. I think I have a cold.
Anyway, my money-saving tip of the week is to hang dry your clothes. It drives my husband crazy but when I do laundry, I hang all of the jeans and some shirts. I just drape them over the dining room chairs and barstools. I know it is not very appealing but it's not permanent. It saves me at least one full load from the dryer. Just think about it, one load a week times 4 weeks a month, times 12 months a year... I'm sure that is a substantial savings!
So what do you do to save money?

Monday, March 2, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

Here is what I will be making this week:

Monday: Chalupas, Rice

Tuesday: Spaghetti, Corn, Garlic Toast

Wednesday: Leftovers

Thursday: Chicken Noodle Soup, Homemade Bread

Friday: Ham, Baked Potatoes, Black Eyed Peas

Saturday: ???????

Sunday: Chicken Enchiladas, Rice, Beans
Be sure to check out I'm an Organized Junkie for other menu plans.